Xenophon Zolotas

A Charismatic Greek

"Economic science is among the highest places on the pedestal
that defines the improvement of the social and economic living conditions of humanity."

"I consider it a patriotic duty of all Greeks of all parties to contribute
to stopping the ill-intentioned politicization of the country's economic problems"

X. Zolotas
Student at the R.E.S. during the school years 1916-18, with A.M. 1114. His attendance at the Rizarios was an important stage in his education, and formed the basis for his further academic and professional development.
It is the year that Xenophon Zolotas applies for enrolment at the University of Leipzig.
Application for registration of Xenophon Zolotas at the University of Leipzig,11.2.1924ΙΙΙ. Xenophon Zolotas’ application for enrolment to theUniversity of Leipzig, 11 Feb. 1924ΙΑΤΕ/HABoG: A2S6Y2F106T4

His doctoral thesis at the University of Leipzig on "Greece at the stage of industrialization", 1926, is considered a classic.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

In 1928 he became Professor of Political Economy at the University of Athens and in the same year, at the age of 24, he was elected Professor of Political Economy at the then newly established Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he remained for three years.

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

The beginning of his university career coincided with the four-year period 1928-1932 of Eleftherios Venizelos, who proposed him to take over the General Secretariat of the Supreme Economic Council. Xenophon Zolotas refused the proposal, joining the Supreme Economic Council as a Member.

He prefers to continue his university work.

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

He is a university professor.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

In 1931 he was elected full professor of Political Economy at the University of Athens.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

Since 1931 and for 36 years, Xenophon Zolotas published the "Hellenic Review of Economic and Political Sciences", providing valuable support to young economists, giving a platform for scientific discussion and promotion of their research.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

The text of X. Zolotas' "Theoretical Economics", the first since the time of Ioannis Soutsos, became the classic didactic treatise on political economy for many decades in Greece.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

Xenophon Zolotas alone opens himself fearlessly and sails comfortably in the turbulent seas of science.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

🚀 relume launches
Xenophon Zolotas completes his studies at the University of Athens, obtaining a degree in law.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

Article in the newspaper To Vima, publishing the second speech in English with words of Greek origin that Xenophon Zolotas delivered at theIMF, 4 Oct. 1959
He continues his studies at Harvard University in the United States, where he obtains a PhD in economics.

On September 26, 1957 and October 2, 1959, he delivered two speeches in Washington, D.C., which are considered historic. The language of these was English, with the exception of a few links, articles and prepositions. All the words used were of Greek origin.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Zolotas' speeches highlight the importance of the Greek language on a global level. It was more of an intellectual game, designed for the powerful of the world economy to remind them of the existence of Greece, which had just emerged from the civil war, completely destroyed.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

He becomes Professor of Economics at the University of Athens and works at the Institute of International Economic Relations (IER) in Athens.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

The contribution of X. Zolotas, as Governor of the Bank of Greece, made a significant contribution to the 1962 Association Agreement between Greece and the C.O.C., according to which the country became the first associated state with the Community.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

He is removed, by the dictatorship, from the position of full professor in the chair of Political Economy at the University of Athens.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Xenophon Zolotas assumes for the first time a Government office as Minister of Coordination in the Service Government of Demetrios Kyousopoulos.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

He also served as Minister of Coordination from July 1974 until November of the same year, in the Government of National Unity of Constantine Karamanlis.

He is elected a member of the National Assembly, where he contributes to the drafting of the new Constitution of the Hellenic Republic.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In March 1979, in memory of his parents, he founded a charitable educational institution under the name "Christian Educational Foundation in memory of Efthymios and Constantina Zolotas".
 -X. Zolotas

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In July, in an article in The Greek Tribune entitled "EEC Membership - Beneficial for them and us", Xenophon Zolotas writes about the benefits of Greece's accession to the Common Market, both for the country and for the EEC.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In an article in Vradini entitled "Welcome, Greece!" he writes about Greece's official accession to the EEC.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

1984 – 1989
He serves as Greece's Finance Minister and is promoting important economic reforms to improve the country's economic stability. These reforms include reducing inflation and reducing the budget deficit.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

(Prime Minister 23/11/1989 - 11/04/1990)

On 23 November 1989 he became Prime Minister of the country until 11 April 1990 as President of the Ecumenical Government, which was jointly supported by New Democracy, Pasok and the Coalition of the Left.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

1990 – 1994
He is a Commissioner of the European Commission responsible for Economic and Financial Affairs. In this position, he is actively involved in the design and implementation of the European Union's economic policy.

It contributes to the design and implementation of the Union's economic policies, influencing Europe's economic path.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

From October 1992 to October 1993, he became Prime Minister of Greece again. During his term of office, he deals with economic issues and tries to deal with the economic crisis facing the country.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

From January 1996 to September 1996 he served again as Prime Minister. During this term, he took initiatives to promote the economic stability and development of the country.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

The euro was adopted by Greece in 2001.

It is considered one of the most important contributions to the Greek economy by X. Zolotas' contribution to the creation of the new Greek currency.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

10 June 2004
Xenophon Zolotas died on 10 June 2004, at the age of 100.

His political contribution and his impact on Greece and the international scene remain alive in the memory of the country and the global economic scene.

He was one of the most remarkable Greek economists and politicians of the 20th century.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

For many decades, Xenophon Zolotas has dominated the Greek economic scene and contributed to the promotion of both economic and political science.

He taught generations of Greeks - he estimated 30,000 of them - and was a charismatic teacher, clearly and methodically passing on the principles incubated in Western societies, always adapted to Greek peculiarities.

The Commander Xenophon Zolotas, work by Dimitris Giannukakis, 1984. Oil painting on cardboard 82,5 x 61,5 εκ.
BoG-Art Collection: 849
The source of some of the photographic material in this portrait comes from the personal archive of Xenophontos Zolotas, donated by him to the Historical Archive of the Bank of Greece.
A Charismatic Greek
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