Angelos Kitsos

A Great Visionary

Angelos Kitsos was born on the island of Phaeacians in 1934 and his parents are the renowned lawyer from Thesprotia, Athanasios Kitsos from Tsamanta of Thesprotia and his mother is Marika Rapti, originally from Zagori (Laista and Monodendri).
Angelos Kitsos associated his early childhood with the city of legends and traditions, with its national glamour and rich cultural heritage.

In fact, for 12 years (1940-1952) he attended the Primary and Secondary Schools of the old Zosimaia School. The Zosimaia School and his surroundings had an enormous influence on the formation of his character.

The post-civil war period inevitably influenced everyone's decisions and actions. Angelos Kitsos belonged to the generation that longed, through the wars and hardships, for a new, creative world to emerge.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

His "Diary from the Easter holidays of 1950" reveals to the reader his childhood years and his memories of Giannina, Zosimaia and above all of Zagori. All these are the source of the emotional richness that characterized Angelos Kitsos and outline his personality.

As he himself argued "what we are at any given time is inextricably linked to what we have been in the past - since the school and adolescent years are awake in us".

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

Angelos Kitsos has fully understood that any man, with their action and contribution, create their destiny and their own life.

After completing his studies at the Zosimaia School, he began his studies at the Law School of the University of Athens, always proceeding in a straightforward and logical manner.

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

For 13 years he worked at the National Foundation, in the Community Development Programmes Sector and the Directorate of Cultural Programmes.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

He served at the National Foundation since 1961, where he was particularly involved in the design and implementation of local development programs throughout Greece, with pilot projects implemented in 50 prefectures and with beneficial actions and originality, recognized by the United Nations. This action often turned Angelos towards his place of origin, towards raising the standard of living and the cultural and spiritual level of the continental people.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

He produced, on behalf of the National Foundation, the first educational documentaries in Greece, such as «Η πιο μεγάλη δύναμη» ("The Greatest Power"), which won the first prize for short film at the Thessaloniki Film Festival in 1962.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

It is also remarkable that the name of Angelos Kitsos is linked to the claim and wider promotion of the righteous continental demand for the establishment of the University of Ioannina.

As in 1971 Angelos Kitsos' contribution to Epirus and Zagori was recognized, he was elected a life member of the Rizarios Foundation's Multimember Council and since then, until his death, many remarkable activities of the Foundation bear his personal stamp.

He has served since 1971 at the Institute for the Rehabilitation of Albanian Expatriates.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

The main concern of Angelos Kitsos is the comeback of the Great Bequest of the Rizaris Brothers to a course of beneficence and offer, as defined in articles 61 and 65 of the will, always guided by the terms and content of the will.

Angelos Kitsos and the Rizarios Foundation

He was one of the key players in the successful dispute for the allocation of 30% of the annual income of the Rizarios Foundation for the benefit of Zagori.

He was the initiator of the Rizarios Handicraft Centre, the Conference Centre and the Monodendri Open-Air Amphitheatre.
Angelos Kitsos envisioned and started the struggle for the creation of a strong cultural hub in the old premises of the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School, in the centre of Athens, under the name Rizarios Cultural Centre.

Under his inspiring guidance, the Rizarios Foundation developed in Zagori a remarkable educational, social and cultural activity, so that there would be spiritual and cultural blossoming in the region. An irrefutable witness of this intellectual and cultural flourishing was the rich publishing work that the Rizarios Foundation has to show during its days.
The book «Επικοινωνία και Συζήτηση» ("Communication and Debate") by Angelos Kitsos, a manual on basic concepts of Community Development, is published. This is followed by seminars and training sessions around the country, offering valuable services to the struggling Greek Region.
🚀 relume launches
A wide-ranging programme of hosting students from Council of Europe member countries is organised in the summer, as an initiative to promote the European Idea and a channel of communication between the youth of Europe.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

Angelos Kitsos announces an exhibition competition for high school students on the theme "Europe begins here", thus confirming the will of our nation to become an important value in the global cultural scene and to become an equal member of the European Economic Community.
In 1979 Angelos Kitsos was a key negotiator with the then Government for the exchange of the central plot of land of Rizarios in Vasil. Sofias Street in Athens with the Ionian School, an area of 17 hectares in the Faliric Delta, and an equal area in Giannina (Agricultural Boarding School).

🚀 relume launches
In a detailed report by Angelos Kitsos, to the R.I. Multimember Council, the argumentation in favour of an interpretation of the will of G. Rizaris, adapted to the perceptions and conditions of the time, in order to ensure the rights of the Monodendrites and the Zagorians, emerges. His positions, promoting the Rizarios Legacy as a vehicle for development and a tribute to the will of the late Rizarios Brothers, are based on the social changes and the increasing desolation of the land.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
The Athens Court of Appeal, to which an appeal was made by the Multilateral Council, in its decision no.994/1980, decides to allocate in perpetuity 30% of the annual income of the Estate for Schools and Boarding Schools in Zagori, as well as the development of the cultural monuments of the region.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
Angelos Kitsos in his speech on "The Cultural Heritage and the Future of Zagori" refers to the current culture of the people. He expresses his view on culture, which for him has the same limits as life. Since life, as a perpetual creation, requires new methodologies, the development and cultural sector also requires new methodologies of approach. Always safeguarding what has already been preserved.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
He serves at the Latsis Foundation.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
Angelos Kitsos awards honorary medals on the occasion of the 150th anniversary to people, political and intellectual personalities, as a sign of recognition for his invaluable contribution to the work of R.E.S.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
In November, under the design and tireless efforts of Angelos Kitsos, the Rizarios Exhibition Centre of Monodendri, which is housed in the Pantazi Mansion, is established and operates.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
Angelos Kitsos envisioned the creation of a strong cultural axis, under the name Rizarios Cultural Centre. His unexpected death did not allow this great vision to be realized.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
Angelos Kitsos, passed away on August 6, 2008. He was an important personality of our time. He was dedicated to the struggle for the promotion of his homeland, Epirus. He was a man of action and creation. He was an inspirer of the Rizarios Handicraft Centre, the Conference Centre and the Open Air Amphitheatre in Monodendri. His projects include the Cultural Centre "Kostas Lazaridis" as well.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
Angelos Kitsos highlighted the role that photography and books can play as a bridge of cultures, emphasized the importance of customs and traditions, institutions and values of the rich life of Zagori and contributed to the rich publishing work of the Rizarios School.

He was a man of broad thinking and international vision.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
The Outdoor Amphitheatre in Monodendri, in honour of the initiator of its creation, is called "Angelos Kitsos Theatre".

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
The contribution of Angelos Kitsos to the activities of the Foundation for the Restoration of Albanian Expatriates was invaluable and for many years was the main driving force in the effort to address human suffering.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
The Board of Directors of the Foundation for the Restoration of Albanian Expatriates (IAOA), honoring Angelos Kitsos, proposes, and the Academy of Athens accepts, the inclusion of an annual award among the prizes announced by the Second Class of Letters and Fine Arts, entitled "Award of the Foundation for the Restoration of Albanian Expatriates in Memory of Angelos Kitsos".

The first prize is awarded during the festive meeting of the Academy of Athens on 28 December 2010.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

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