The Pope and Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa

The Patriarch of Love, Peace and Reconciliation







Δοξαστικό αχολόγησε τροπάρι! Απ΄την Κνωσσό ως την Πέργαμο θεία χάρη
K. Palamas, Anatolia
On November 25, 1954, Nikolaos Choreftakis was born in Crete and was registered by his parents in the male register of the Community of Koukounaras in the district of Kissamos, in the prefecture of Chania.

His parents were Michael, who came from Kissamos in Chania, and Cleopatra, who came from a refugee family in Smyrna. Thus, the Cretan spirit and the spirit of Ionia were what formed and shaped Nikolaos' character.
Adolescence finds Nikolaos Choreftakis, who followed his family during the transfers of his father, who served in the gendarmerie, attending the High School of Arkalochori in Heraklion and his education is completed at the 2nd High School for Boys in Heraklion.
Of course, his morals and piety were those that were taken into consideration by the later Bishop of Lampi and Sfakia, Theodore Tzedakis, who was Nikolaos' spiritual father and passed on to him the inviolable love for the mission and the spreading of the Gospel.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

After ticketed examinations he is admitted to the Higher Priestly School of Athens - Rizarios Ecclesiastical School.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

In 1972, at the age of 18, Nikolaos Choreftakis, today's Pope and Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria, knocked on the door of the Monastery of Agarathos, which would become the Monastery of his penance.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

On August 15, 1973, while being a student of the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School, Nikolaos receives the grace of the great angelic figure, his ordination as a monk, at the Holy Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos of Agarathos and receives the monastic name Dionysios.

Lumio, previously called Foenix, was a social media analytics company that helped brands like Audi, David Jones and Red Balloon source legitimate influencers for social media campaigns.

“We were essentially the Instagram police and called out fake influencers left, right and centre. It was fun and all, but there is only so many bikini chicks you can look at on Instagram before you start losing your mind.”

Dan, Co-founder and CEO of Lumio

The 20th of June 1974 is the day of his graduation from the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School of Athens.

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

On December 6, 1974 he entered the Department of Priests' Training of the University of Athens, from which he graduated on October 30, 1976.

“After this, we both took up golf on during the week and started eating fancy dinners at the local Country Club... Ha. This is not what happened at all. We suck at golf and love eating Guzman Y Gomez.”

Adam, Co-founder of Lumio

On February 22, 1975 he was ordained Deacon by his spiritual father, Metropolitan Theodore of Lampi and Sfakia and was placed in the Metropolitan Church of Apostle Paul, in Spili, Rethymnon. Until 1985 he served as Archdeacon and then Archpriest Commissioner of the Holy Metropolis of Lampi and Sfakia.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

During this period, he assumes pastoral duties at the Church of St. Kirykos and Ioulitis Lambion of Amari, the Church of St. George of Frattiou and the Church of the Holy Cross of Platane.

The important preaching, pastoral and charitable work he developed in this corner of Crete is remarkable.

Whilst in Germany, Dan worked with with brands such as Daniel Wellington and BMW - Ja!

Adam worked with clients like Vodafone, TAFE NSW, Adobe and also won the 'Good Design Australia' award for his work on the Seatfrog website.

On 3 of February, he continues his studies at the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The name "Relume" is born.



To relight or rekindle (a light, flame, etc.)

On the 23rd of April, he is ordained Elder by Metropolitan Theodore of Lampi and Sfakia and is installed in the Metropolitan Church of Apostle Paul, in Spili, Rethymnon. He receives the name Theodoros and the title of Archimandrite from his Spiritual Father.
🚀 relume launches
Called by the late Patriarch Nicholas VI of Alexandria, he is called to serve as a clergyman in the Patriarchate of Alexandria.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
Archimandrite Theodoros was sent to Odessa, Russia, as Patriarchal Exarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria.

From 1985 to 1990 and during his stay, he studied History of Art, Literature and Philosophy and engaged in the systematic learning of the Russian language.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

🚀 relume launches
His outstanding work included the thorough renovation of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, the establishment of the Foundation of Greek Culture, the foundation of the Museum of the Society of Friends and the establishment of the "Greece" association of the remaining Greeks of Odessa.

To do this they would have to build a company that would be profitable in its first year. Not the next Uber of *insert clever idea*.

On the 14th of June he is elected, unanimously, Bishop of the Church of Alexandria and the episcopal ordination takes place on the 17th of June at the Patriarchal Monastery of Saint Sabbas the Consecrated of Alexandria.
Ο χειροτονηθείς νέος Επίσκοπος προς τον Πάπα και Πατριάρχη Αλεξανδρείας Παρθένιο Γ΄:

"In Your Face I was taught to love, to forgive, to hope, to live free, to be decent."

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

The Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria Parthenios III appointed the new Bishop as his Representative in Athens until 1997.

This is also the period of time when the missionary effort of the Patriarchate and Patriarch Theodore's well-known sensitivity for Africa and its suffering people start bearing fruit.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

His pastoral, educational, social and charitable activity, following the conviction of Patriarch Parthenios, germinates and bears fruit, despite the difficulties, because "God wills it".

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

"The role of reconciliation in peaceful coexistence with others" is highlighted through his participation in the tours of the then Patriarch of Alexandria, his knowledge from theological and inter-religious conferences and, of course, his contact with the problems of the Patriarchate -religious, social, spiritual, humanitarian and financial.
Additional to the above is the important experience gained by Theodore being called to serve in the Church of St. Mark.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

The Blessed Patriarch of Alexandria Parthenios III of Alexandria, while he was in the Priory of the Holy Mother Church of Agarathos, in a private dedication and in a prophetic speech, refers to the Patriarchs coming from the Monastery of Agarathos. Nine years later a fourth was added to them. The Patriarch of Alexandria, Theodore II.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In March, he is appointed Patriarchal Commissioner of Alexandria. Coming close to the blessed Patriarch Peter VII, together they set the foundations and the new course of the Alexandrian Throne.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

On 23 September, he is unanimously elected Metropolitan of Cameroon.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

On January 10, at the headquarters of the Metropolis, Yaoundé is enthroned and greeted as follows:

"The new Metropolitan of Cameroon and Exarch of All Central Africa, Mr. Theodore Choreftakis, is a Worthy, Priestly and Noble Hierarch, endowed by God with many virtues and gifts, love, kindness, long-suffering, meekness, diligence and sacrificial love for Christ and His Church, and a fervent passion for our mission, the evangelization of the people of Africa who are still in darkness."

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In the 26 parishes under his jurisdiction, the 40 missionary centres along with the 5 newly established ones are transformed into "oases of orthodoxy" and staffed with native clergymen who are dispensed "in the love of Christ".

Recognizing the supreme role of the Sacrament of the Divine Liturgy, he founded holy churches, with the help of Greeks from Cameroon and believers from Greece.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Metropolitan Theodoros, through the local churches, develops a network of social welfare and care to strengthen local communities and eliminate problems of survival. Volunteers ensure the provision of drinking water and the improvement of agriculture and animal husbandry. Volunteer doctors, diagnostic centres, pharmacies and the establishment of the first Orthodox school seal the missionary work in Cameroon.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Metropolitan Theodore continues his missionary work and the offer of love to the suffering people in the Metropolis of Zimbabwe. On 16 September he was elected unanimously.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

His enthronement takes place on November 24.

The reorganization of the Greek communities along with the rich pastoral work, the foundation of churches, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, seal his efforts for the relief of the people of Africa, regardless of race and religion.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In 2002 he was installed in the Holy Metropolis of Zimbabwe, where he established 4 Missionary Centres in the capital Harare, a Greek Cultural Centre with a capacity of 400 delegates, two large Missionary Centres in Malawi, which include a hospital, technical schools and kindergartens. With the support of the Hellenic Parliament, he renovated the "Greek Square" (School-Church-Presbytery) in the town of Beira, Mozambique. He also built Holy Churches and contributed to the establishment of Greek Communities in the states of Botswana and Angola.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Theodore II, the ninth in the line of Patriarchs of Alexandria of Cretan origin, is enthroned in the Holy Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary of Alexandria, on October 24, in a climate of unanimity.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

On April 25, in his address to the Lords of the Throne, Patriarch Theodoros referred to the "protection of the faith and the preservation of the lamp of myrian orthodoxy unquenched ".
His every action adds more and more "oil" to the centuries-old "unquenched lamp" of the Patriarchate of Alexandria so that it can go forward and embrace the future with optimism.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

The sacrificial ministry marks the entire course of Patriarch Theodoros' career so far and he himself, interpreting the role of missionary work as a supreme duty and offering, has so far carried out dozens of missionary tours throughout Africa, following the course of missionary work.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

By his decision, a school was established in Alexandria under the name "Patriarchal School of Alexandria St. Athanasios" for the training of African missionary executives and has been operating since 2006-2007.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Patriarch Theodore, understanding the value of the preservation and promotion of the precious treasures of the Patriarchal Library, made and still makes tireless efforts for their preservation. Thus, on May 9, one of the most magnificent renovation projects was inaugurated with great grandeur, playing a huge role in promoting and strengthening the historical role of the Patriarchate and the promotion of the library as a source of knowledge.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

He is awarded by the Prefectural Council of Athens, unanimously, the title of "Ambassador of Hellenism" for his efforts for the promotion and dissemination of the Greek spirit in the world.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

A guardian bids farewell to Patriarch Theodore and thanks him "for coming to suffer with them". This thanksgiving brings out all that Patriarch Theodore advocates with the Patriarchal Diaconate and the mission. With it, the seeds of the Gospel are planted in the existing cultural and socio-economic structures, guided by the love of Christ and the sacrificial spirit for the sake of the wavering souls of our African brothers and sisters.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

He is honoured with the title of "Honorary Doctorate" by the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

On November 9, 2014, on the feast day of Saint Nektarios Bishop of Pentapolis, Director of the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School and patron of ecclesiastical education, His Holiness the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodore II, presided at the Divine Liturgy at the Rizarios School, of which he himself was a spiritual director.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

On April 23, after the completion of the restoration of the ancient royal and patriarchal monastery of Saint George in Old Cairo, the Patriarch Theodoros, in the presence of the Archbishop of Athens and the President of the Hellenic Republic, solemnly inaugurated the church.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

Patriarch Theodore, in his influential speech at the 25th Inter-Christian Conference in Bose, Northern Italy, stresses the urgent need for the survival of people who are persecuted in their own country, with the Church having a significant role, ministering according to the example of Christ.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

He is honoured with the title of "Honorary Doctor" of the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Faculty of Law of the University of Odessa.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In June, the highest honorary distinction of handing over the Golden Key of the great city of Alexandria to His Holiness the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria, Theodore II, is awarded by His Excellency the Governor of the great city of Alexandria.

The award signifies respect, love and recognition of his tireless missionary work.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In October, Patriarch Theodoros II pays a historic visit to the Archdiocese of America and is awarded the Athenagorean Human Rights Award.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In January, His Holiness Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa Theodoros pays an official visit to the Vatican and meets with His Holiness Pope Francis of Rome.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In August, an honorary event is held at the Monastery of Agarathos, Crete, for the 50th anniversary of the Monastic Ordination of Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria Theodore II.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

In November, the proclamation of Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria and All Africa as an honorary member of the Academy of Athens was ratified.

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Pope and Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa will become a Member of the Academy of Athens. At a meeting held to welcome him, he delivered a speech on the topic: "Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa: A Lighthouse of Tel Aviv in Historical Time".

“Relume was an opportunity for us to build a profitable business, not a startup that bleeds cash, whilst doing what we love to do. It also allows us to learn about all types of businesses and the problems they deal with. These are all opportunities that we could potentially solve for in the future. For now, our goal is simple, we want to build a kickass business which means we really want our customers and the Webflow community to succeed too.”

Dan, Co-founder of Relume

"The Father of the Future Continent"

His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa will go down in history as the Patriarch of Love, Peace and Reconciliation, with an archpriestly career that has been kind-hearted and luminous at every step and in all areas, since his entry into the priestly ministry of the Church.

His work becomes titanic and he himself expects the highest honour and distinction for "Theodore of the Garden", which, according to his word, is none other than to be in a corner of Paradise with all the faithful.

This is the origin of the characterizations attributed to him:

"Father of Fathers, Shepherd of Shepherds, High Priest of High Priests, Third and Tenth of the Apostles and Judge of the World"

Engaged in a complex struggle with many tasks, he ascended to the Alexandrian Throne, fully aware of the weight of the two thousand years of tradition of the Alexandrian Church, in Africa, the Continent of the Future.

In his enthronement speech, he sets the pillars of his Patriarchate for the strengthening of the mission throughout Africa, the training of the staff and associates of the Patriarchate, the close cooperation with the Greek Orthodox Communities of Africa.

Among its pillars of action is the concern for dialogue and communication for the peaceful coexistence of people of all colours, religions, races, languages and origins.

He highlights the preservation of the sacramental, soteriological and Christ-centred character of the Church in order to respond to its global, pan-Orthodox mission and puts the support of the clergy and the ecclesiastical administration in the unswerving and persistent work of its patriarchy.

Patriarch Theodore, having a practical organizational spirit, understands the challenges of the time and emphasizes, by all means, the role of education, the contribution of doctors to the work of the Church.
The throne of Saint Mark gives His Beatitude the Pope and Patriarch of the Great City of Alexandria, Libya, Pentapolis, Ethiopia, Egypt and all Africa the platform to serve the continent that gives birth to love, hope, light and courage for life.

The black continent with "children with black bodies and white hearts".

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